import pandas as pd from tabulate import tabulate from datetime import date # functions go here # Runs the program to place an order def run(): final_order = [] # clear from previous orders number_doughnuts = 0 # set the counter to 0 print("\nWelcome to Dancing Doughnuts. You can order up to 10 doughnuts. At any time " "type 'Menu' to view the menu, or 'xxx' to quit. \n") name = check_name("What name would you like to place the order under? ") want_menu = yes_no("\nHi {}! Do you want to view the menu? ".format(name)) if want_menu == "yes": show_menu() while number_doughnuts < 10: # repeat until limit reached chosen_flavour = input("\nWhat flavour doughnut would you like? ").capitalize() # capitalize to allow # comparison against lists if chosen_flavour in flavours_list: number_doughnuts += 1 print("{} doughnut added to order.".format(chosen_flavour)) item_number = flavours_list.index(chosen_flavour) # find the position in the flavour list item_price = flavour_prices[item_number] # use same position in price list to get the price order.append(chosen_flavour) order.append(item_price) want_toppings = yes_no("\nWould you like to add any toppings? ").lower() if want_toppings == "yes": topping_number = 1 # reset the topping counter total_price_toppings = 0 while topping_number < 4: # repeat until max doughnuts reached quit = False chosen_topping = input("\nTopping number {}: ".format(topping_number)).capitalize() if chosen_topping in toppings_list: print("You chose to add {}.".format(chosen_topping.lower())) item_number = toppings_list.index(chosen_topping) # find the position in the flavour list total_price_toppings += topping_prices[item_number] # use same position in price list to get the price order.append(chosen_topping) topping_number += 1 # increase the topping counter elif chosen_topping == "Xxx": # if exit code is entered quit = True while topping_number < 4: order.append('-') # add dashes in place of toppings in the dataframe list topping_number += 1 dougnut_price = total_price_toppings + item_price # work out total price order.append(dougnut_price) # add price to the order list final_order.append(order.copy()) # add info for this doughnut to the final order order.clear() # clear for next doughnut break elif chosen_topping == "Menu": show_menu() else: print("Oops! Looks like '{}' isn't in the menu. " # error for invalid responses "Please enter a valid topping. ".format(chosen_topping)) if quit == False: # if the user orders all 3 toppings without quitting dougnut_price = price_topping + price # get total price for doughnut order.append(dougnut_price) # add price to order list for this dougnut final_order.append(order.copy()) # add the order (including flavour, toppings and price) to final # order list order.clear() # clear for next order elif want_toppings == "no": # if no toppings are ordered for x in range (0,3): order.append('-') # add placeholders to the dataframe order.append(item_price) final_order.append(order.copy()) order.clear() elif chosen_flavour == "Xxx": if number_doughnuts == 0: print("Your order has been cancelled.") again() else: break elif chosen_flavour == "Menu": show_menu() else: print("Oops! Looks like '{}' isn't in the menu. " "Please enter a valid doughnut flavour. ".format(chosen_flavour)) df = pd.DataFrame(final_order, columns=['Flavour', 'Price', 'Topping 1', 'Topping 2', 'Topping 3', 'Total Cost']) df.index = df.index + 1 final_cost = df['Total Cost'].sum() add_dollars = ['Price', 'Total Cost'] for var_item in add_dollars: df[var_item] = df[var_item].apply(currency) print() print(df) print("\nYour total cost is: ${:.2f}".format(final_cost)) delivery = yes_no("\nWould you like your order delivered? ") if delivery == "yes": delivery_cost = 4 final_cost += 4 address = get_address() print("Delivery cost: ${:.2f}".format(delivery_cost)) phone_number = num_check("What is your phone number? ", "Please enter a number.") else: print("Your order will be available to pick up in our shop.") payment_method = cash_credit("\nChoose a payment method(cash or credit): ") if payment_method == "credit": payment_surcharge = final_cost * 0.05 final_cost += payment_surcharge print("Card payment surcharge: ${:.2f}".format(payment_surcharge)) print("Total Payment: ${:.2f}".format(final_cost)) while True: confirm_cancel = input("\nPlease cancel or confirm your order? ").lower() if confirm_cancel == "cancel": print("Order cancelled. ") again() elif confirm_cancel == "confirm": print("Your order is being processed now.") name_list.append(name) # add to the name list to ensure each order is under a different name break else: print("Please type either cancel or confirm. ") # **** get current date for heading and filename **** # get today's date today = # get day, month and year as individual strings day = today.strftime("%d") month = today.strftime("%m") year = today.strftime("%Y") heading = "\n---- {}'s Doughnut Order ({}/{}/{}) ---- \n".format(name, day, month, year) filename = "{}'s Order_{}_{}_{}".format(name, day, month, year) # change frame to a string so that we can export it to file order_string = pd.DataFrame.to_string(df) extra_costs_heading = "\n------- Extra Costs ------- " to_write = [heading, order_string, extra_costs_heading] if delivery == "yes": extra_delivery = "Delivery Fee: ${:.2f}".format(delivery_cost) printed_address = "Delivery Address: {}".format(address) printed_phone_number = "Phone number: {}".format(phone_number) # come back to thisssss to_write.append(extra_delivery) to_write.append(printed_address) to_write.append(printed_phone_number) else: delivery_message = "Chose to pickup in store - No extra charge. " to_write.append(delivery_message) if payment_method == "credit": extra_payment = "Payment Surcharge: ${:.2f}".format(payment_surcharge) to_write.append(extra_payment) else: payment_message = "Paid with cash - No extra charge. " to_write.append(payment_message) total_heading = "\n------ Order Total ------" total_text = "Total Cost: ${:.2f}".format(final_cost) to_write.append(total_heading) to_write.append(total_text) # write output to file # create file to hold data (add .txt extension) write_to = "{}.txt".format(filename) text_file = open(write_to, "w+") for item in to_write: text_file.write(item) text_file.write("\n") # close file text_file.close() # ask user if they want to order again def again(): while True: again = yes_no("\nWould you like to place a new order?") if again == "yes": run() # order again else: print("Thank you for ordering from Dancing Doughnuts.") exit() # quit the program # displays the menu in a dataframe def show_menu(): # using lists to create a menu dataframe flavour_menu = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(flavours_list, flavour_prices)), columns=['Flavour', 'Price']) # dataframe for flavours topping_menu = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(toppings_list, topping_prices)), columns=['Topping', 'Price']) # dataframe for toppings add_dollars = ['Price'] # format both price columns with dollar symbols for var_item in add_dollars: flavour_menu[var_item] = flavour_menu[var_item].apply(currency) topping_menu[var_item] = topping_menu[var_item].apply(currency) print("\n***** Menu *****\n") print("***** Doughnut Flavours *****") print(tabulate(flavour_menu, showindex=False, # remove index headers=flavour_menu.columns)) # change the column headers print("\n***** Extras *****") print(tabulate(topping_menu, showindex=False, headers=topping_menu.columns)) print() # checks responses for a yes or no question def yes_no(question): while True: response = input(question).lower() if response == "yes" or response == "y": return "yes" elif response == "no" or response == "n": return "no" else: print("Please enter yes or no") # checks that name is not blank and not a repeat of a past order name def check_name(question): while True: response = input(question).capitalize() # if the response is blank, outputs an error if response == "": print("Sorry this can't be blank. Please try again") elif response in name_list: print("You have already placed an order under that name. ") else: return response # checks the address has both numbers and letters def get_address(): while True: address = input("What is your address? ") number = any(map(str.isdigit, address)) string = any(map(str.isalpha, address)) if number == True and string == True: # if input contains both numbers and letters return address else: print("Please enter a valid address. ") # if response is invalid, print an error # change numbers into a currency format def currency(x): return "${:.2f}".format(x) # checks that the phone number only contains numbers def num_check(question, error): valid = False while not valid: response = input(question) if response.isdigit(): # if input is a number return response else: print(error) # Check user response to the cash or credit question def cash_credit(question): while True: response = input(question).lower() # convert user input to lowercase if response == "cash" or response == "ca": return "cash" elif response == "credit" or response == "cr": return "credit" else: print("Please enter a valid payment method") # if invalid input, print error # lists flavours_list = ["Glazed", "Cinnamon", "Peanut Butter", "Chocolate", "Jam", "Custard", "Caramel"] toppings_list = ["Sprinkles", "Chocolate sauce", "Crushed peanuts", "Chocolate flakes","Pink icing"] flavour_prices = [1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 7] topping_prices = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3] order = [] final_order = [] name_list = [] # Run the program to place one order run() # once order is complete, ask user if they want to order again again()