""" This module is home to specific dtypes related functionality and their classes. For more general information about dtypes, also see `numpy.dtype` and :ref:`arrays.dtypes`. Similar to the builtin ``types`` module, this submodule defines types (classes) that are not widely used directly. .. versionadded:: NumPy 1.25 The dtypes module is new in NumPy 1.25. Previously DType classes were only accessible indirectly. DType classes ------------- The following are the classes of the corresponding NumPy dtype instances and NumPy scalar types. The classes can be used in ``isinstance`` checks and can also be instantiated or used directly. Direct use of these classes is not typical, since their scalar counterparts (e.g. ``np.float64``) or strings like ``"float64"`` can be used. """ # See doc/source/reference/routines.dtypes.rst for module-level docs __all__ = [] def _add_dtype_helper(DType, alias): # Function to add DTypes a bit more conveniently without channeling them # through `numpy._core._multiarray_umath` namespace or similar. from numpy import dtypes setattr(dtypes, DType.__name__, DType) __all__.append(DType.__name__) if alias: alias = alias.removeprefix("numpy.dtypes.") setattr(dtypes, alias, DType) __all__.append(alias)