import pandas import random # functions go here # checks that user response is not blank def not_blank(question): while True: response = input(question) if response == "": print('sorry this cant be blank. Please try again') else: return response # num checker def num_check(question): while True: try: response = int(input(question)) return response except ValueError: print("please enter a number") # main routine starts here # Calculate ticket price based on age def calc_ticket_price(var_age): # ticket is $7.50 for under 16 if var_age < 16: price = 7.5 # ticket is $10.50 for between 16 and 64 elif var_age < 65: price = 10.5 # ticket price is $6.50 for seniors 65+ else: price = 6.5 return price # checks that users enter a valid response (eg yes / no) # cash / credit) based on a list of options def string_checker(question, num_letters, valid_responses): error = "Please choose {} or {}".format(valid_responses[0], valid_responses[1]) if num_letters == 1: short_version = 1 else: short_version = 2 while True: response = input(question).lower() for item in valid_responses: if response == item[:short_version] or response == item: return item print("Please enter a vaild response") # currency formatting function def currency(x): return "${:.2f}".format(x) # set maximum number of tickets below MAX_TICKETS = 5 tickets_sold = 0 yes_no_list = ["yes", "no"] payment_list = ["cash", "credit"] # Lists to hold ticket details all_names = [] all_ticket_costs = [] all_surcharge = [] mini_movie_dict = { "Name": all_names, "Ticket Price": all_ticket_costs, "Surcharge": all_surcharge } # ask user if they want to see the instructions want_instructions = string_checker("Do you want to read the " "instructions (y/n): ", 1, yes_no_list) if want_instructions == "yes" or want_instructions == "Yes": print("instructions go here") elif want_instructions == "no" or want_instructions == "No": print("no instructions ") else: print("please answer yes or no") # loop to sell tickets while tickets_sold < MAX_TICKETS: name = not_blank("Enter your name (or 'xxx' to quit) ") if name == 'xxx': break age = num_check("Age: ") if 12 <= age <= 120: pass elif age < 12: print("sorry your to young for this movie") continue else: print("that looks like a typo please try again.") continue # calculate ticket cost ticket_cost = calc_ticket_price(age) # get payment method pay_method = string_checker("Select: cash or credit: ", 2, payment_list) if pay_method == "cash": surcharge = 0 else: # calculate 5% surcharge if user are paying by credit card surcharge = ticket_cost * 0.05 tickets_sold += 1 # add ticket name, cost and surcharge to lists all_names.append(name) all_ticket_costs.append(ticket_cost) all_surcharge.append(surcharge) # create data frame from dictionary to organise information mini_movie_frame = pandas.DataFrame(mini_movie_dict) # mini_movie_frame = mini_movie_frame.set_index('Name') # Calculate the total ticket cost (ticket + surcharge) mini_movie_frame['Total'] = mini_movie_frame['Surcharge'] + mini_movie_frame['Ticket Price'] # Calculate the profit for each ticket mini_movie_frame['Profit'] = mini_movie_frame['Ticket Price'] - 5 # calculate ticket and profit totals total = mini_movie_frame['Total'].sum() profit = mini_movie_frame['Profit'].sum() # Currency Formatting (uses currency function) add_dollars = ['Ticket Price', 'Surcharge', 'Total', 'Profit'] for var_item in add_dollars: mini_movie_frame[var_item] = mini_movie_frame[var_item].apply(currency) # choose a winner from our name list winner_name = random.choice(all_names) # get position of winner name in list win_index = all_names.index(winner_name) # look up total amount won (ie: ticket price + surcharge) total_won =[win_index, 'Total'] print("<----Ticket Data---->") print() # output table with ticket data print(mini_movie_frame) print() print("Total Ticket Sales: ${:.2f}".format(total)) print("Total Profit : ${:.2f}".format(profit)) print() print('<----Raffle Winner---->') print("Congratulations {}. You have won {} ie: your""ticket is free!".format(winner_name, total_won)) # Output number of tickets sold if tickets_sold == MAX_TICKETS: print("Congratulations you have sold all of your tickets") else: print("you have sold {} ticket/s. There is {} ticket/s remaining".format(tickets_sold, MAX_TICKETS - tickets_sold))