import pytest from pandas._config import config as cf from pandas._config.config import OptionError import pandas as pd import pandas._testing as tm class TestConfig: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def clean_config(self, monkeypatch): with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(cf, "_global_config", {}) m.setattr(cf, "options", cf.DictWrapper(cf._global_config)) m.setattr(cf, "_deprecated_options", {}) m.setattr(cf, "_registered_options", {}) # Our test fixture in sets "chained_assignment" # to "raise" only after all test methods have been setup. # However, after this setup, there is no longer any # "chained_assignment" option, so re-register it. cf.register_option("chained_assignment", "raise") yield def test_api(self): # the pandas object exposes the user API assert hasattr(pd, "get_option") assert hasattr(pd, "set_option") assert hasattr(pd, "reset_option") assert hasattr(pd, "describe_option") def test_is_one_of_factory(self): v = cf.is_one_of_factory([None, 12]) v(12) v(None) msg = r"Value must be one of None\|12" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): v(1.1) def test_register_option(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") # can't register an already registered option msg = "Option 'a' has already been registered" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") # can't register an already registered option msg = "Path prefix to option 'a' is already an option" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.b.c.d1", 1, "doc") with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.b.c.d2", 1, "doc") # no python keywords msg = "for is a python keyword" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("for", 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.for.b", 0) # must be valid identifier (ensure attribute access works) msg = "oh my goddess! is not a valid identifier" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("Oh my Goddess!", 0) # we can register options several levels deep # without predefining the intermediate steps # and we can define differently named options # in the same namespace cf.register_option("k.b.c.d1", 1, "doc") cf.register_option("k.b.c.d2", 1, "doc") def test_describe_option(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") cf.register_option("b", 1, "doc2") cf.deprecate_option("b") cf.register_option("c.d.e1", 1, "doc3") cf.register_option("c.d.e2", 1, "doc4") cf.register_option("f", 1) cf.register_option("g.h", 1) cf.register_option("k", 2) cf.deprecate_option("g.h", rkey="k") cf.register_option("l", "foo") # non-existent keys raise KeyError msg = r"No such keys\(s\)" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.describe_option("no.such.key") # we can get the description for any key we registered assert "doc" in cf.describe_option("a", _print_desc=False) assert "doc2" in cf.describe_option("b", _print_desc=False) assert "precated" in cf.describe_option("b", _print_desc=False) assert "doc3" in cf.describe_option("c.d.e1", _print_desc=False) assert "doc4" in cf.describe_option("c.d.e2", _print_desc=False) # if no doc is specified we get a default message # saying "description not available" assert "available" in cf.describe_option("f", _print_desc=False) assert "available" in cf.describe_option("g.h", _print_desc=False) assert "precated" in cf.describe_option("g.h", _print_desc=False) assert "k" in cf.describe_option("g.h", _print_desc=False) # default is reported assert "foo" in cf.describe_option("l", _print_desc=False) # current value is reported assert "bar" not in cf.describe_option("l", _print_desc=False) cf.set_option("l", "bar") assert "bar" in cf.describe_option("l", _print_desc=False) def test_case_insensitive(self): cf.register_option("KanBAN", 1, "doc") assert "doc" in cf.describe_option("kanbaN", _print_desc=False) assert cf.get_option("kanBaN") == 1 cf.set_option("KanBan", 2) assert cf.get_option("kAnBaN") == 2 # gets of non-existent keys fail msg = r"No such keys\(s\): 'no_such_option'" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.get_option("no_such_option") cf.deprecate_option("KanBan") assert cf._is_deprecated("kAnBaN") def test_get_option(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2") cf.register_option("b.b", None, "doc2") # gets of existing keys succeed assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" assert cf.get_option("b.b") is None # gets of non-existent keys fail msg = r"No such keys\(s\): 'no_such_option'" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.get_option("no_such_option") def test_set_option(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2") cf.register_option("b.b", None, "doc2") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" assert cf.get_option("b.b") is None cf.set_option("a", 2) cf.set_option("b.c", "wurld") cf.set_option("b.b", 1.1) assert cf.get_option("a") == 2 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "wurld" assert cf.get_option("b.b") == 1.1 msg = r"No such keys\(s\): 'no.such.key'" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.set_option("no.such.key", None) def test_set_option_empty_args(self): msg = "Must provide an even number of non-keyword arguments" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option() def test_set_option_uneven_args(self): msg = "Must provide an even number of non-keyword arguments" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option("a.b", 2, "b.c") def test_set_option_invalid_single_argument_type(self): msg = "Must provide an even number of non-keyword arguments" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option(2) def test_set_option_multiple(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc") cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2") cf.register_option("b.b", None, "doc2") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" assert cf.get_option("b.b") is None cf.set_option("a", "2", "b.c", None, "b.b", 10.0) assert cf.get_option("a") == "2" assert cf.get_option("b.c") is None assert cf.get_option("b.b") == 10.0 def test_validation(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc", validator=cf.is_int) cf.register_option("d", 1, "doc", validator=cf.is_nonnegative_int) cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2", validator=cf.is_text) msg = "Value must have type ''" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.b.c.d2", "NO", "doc", validator=cf.is_int) cf.set_option("a", 2) # int is_int cf.set_option("b.c", "wurld") # str is_str cf.set_option("d", 2) cf.set_option("d", None) # non-negative int can be None # None not is_int with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option("a", None) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option("a", "ab") msg = "Value must be a nonnegative integer or None" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.b.c.d3", "NO", "doc", validator=cf.is_nonnegative_int) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.register_option("a.b.c.d3", -2, "doc", validator=cf.is_nonnegative_int) msg = r"Value must be an instance of \|" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): cf.set_option("b.c", 1) validator = cf.is_one_of_factory([None, cf.is_callable]) cf.register_option("b", lambda: None, "doc", validator=validator) # pylint: disable-next=consider-using-f-string cf.set_option("b", "%.1f".format) # Formatter is callable cf.set_option("b", None) # Formatter is none (default) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Value must be a callable"): cf.set_option("b", "%.1f") def test_reset_option(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc", validator=cf.is_int) cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2", validator=cf.is_str) assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" cf.set_option("a", 2) cf.set_option("b.c", "wurld") assert cf.get_option("a") == 2 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "wurld" cf.reset_option("a") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "wurld" cf.reset_option("b.c") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" def test_reset_option_all(self): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc", validator=cf.is_int) cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2", validator=cf.is_str) assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" cf.set_option("a", 2) cf.set_option("b.c", "wurld") assert cf.get_option("a") == 2 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "wurld" cf.reset_option("all") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b.c") == "hullo" def test_deprecate_option(self): # we can deprecate non-existent options cf.deprecate_option("foo") assert cf._is_deprecated("foo") with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="deprecated"): with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="No such keys.s.: 'foo'"): cf.get_option("foo") cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc", validator=cf.is_int) cf.register_option("b.c", "hullo", "doc2") cf.register_option("foo", "hullo", "doc2") cf.deprecate_option("a", removal_ver="nifty_ver") with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="eprecated.*nifty_ver"): cf.get_option("a") msg = "Option 'a' has already been defined as deprecated" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): cf.deprecate_option("a") cf.deprecate_option("b.c", "zounds!") with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="zounds!"): cf.get_option("b.c") # test rerouting keys cf.register_option("d.a", "foo", "doc2") cf.register_option("d.dep", "bar", "doc2") assert cf.get_option("d.a") == "foo" assert cf.get_option("d.dep") == "bar" cf.deprecate_option("d.dep", rkey="d.a") # reroute d.dep to d.a with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="eprecated"): assert cf.get_option("d.dep") == "foo" with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="eprecated"): cf.set_option("d.dep", "baz") # should overwrite "d.a" with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="eprecated"): assert cf.get_option("d.dep") == "baz" def test_config_prefix(self): with cf.config_prefix("base"): cf.register_option("a", 1, "doc1") cf.register_option("b", 2, "doc2") assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b") == 2 cf.set_option("a", 3) cf.set_option("b", 4) assert cf.get_option("a") == 3 assert cf.get_option("b") == 4 assert cf.get_option("base.a") == 3 assert cf.get_option("base.b") == 4 assert "doc1" in cf.describe_option("base.a", _print_desc=False) assert "doc2" in cf.describe_option("base.b", _print_desc=False) cf.reset_option("base.a") cf.reset_option("base.b") with cf.config_prefix("base"): assert cf.get_option("a") == 1 assert cf.get_option("b") == 2 def test_callback(self): k = [None] v = [None] def callback(key): k.append(key) v.append(cf.get_option(key)) cf.register_option("d.a", "foo", cb=callback) cf.register_option("d.b", "foo", cb=callback) del k[-1], v[-1] cf.set_option("d.a", "fooz") assert k[-1] == "d.a" assert v[-1] == "fooz" del k[-1], v[-1] cf.set_option("d.b", "boo") assert k[-1] == "d.b" assert v[-1] == "boo" del k[-1], v[-1] cf.reset_option("d.b") assert k[-1] == "d.b" def test_set_ContextManager(self): def eq(val): assert cf.get_option("a") == val cf.register_option("a", 0) eq(0) with cf.option_context("a", 15): eq(15) with cf.option_context("a", 25): eq(25) eq(15) eq(0) cf.set_option("a", 17) eq(17) # Test that option_context can be used as a decorator too (#34253). @cf.option_context("a", 123) def f(): eq(123) f() def test_attribute_access(self): holder = [] def f3(key): holder.append(True) cf.register_option("a", 0) cf.register_option("c", 0, cb=f3) options = cf.options assert options.a == 0 with cf.option_context("a", 15): assert options.a == 15 options.a = 500 assert cf.get_option("a") == 500 cf.reset_option("a") assert options.a == cf.get_option("a", 0) msg = "You can only set the value of existing options" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): options.b = 1 with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=msg): options.display = 1 # make sure callback kicks when using this form of setting options.c = 1 assert len(holder) == 1 def test_option_context_scope(self): # Ensure that creating a context does not affect the existing # environment as it is supposed to be used with the `with` statement. # See original_value = 60 context_value = 10 option_name = "a" cf.register_option(option_name, original_value) # Ensure creating contexts didn't affect the current context. ctx = cf.option_context(option_name, context_value) assert cf.get_option(option_name) == original_value # Ensure the correct value is available inside the context. with ctx: assert cf.get_option(option_name) == context_value # Ensure the current context is reset assert cf.get_option(option_name) == original_value def test_dictwrapper_getattr(self): options = cf.options # GH 19789 with pytest.raises(OptionError, match="No such option"): options.bananas assert not hasattr(options, "bananas")