from typing import Any, TypeVar from numpy import dtype from import MaskedArray __all__: list[str] # TODO: Set the `bound` to something more suitable once we # have proper shape support _ShapeType = TypeVar("_ShapeType", bound=Any) _DType_co = TypeVar("_DType_co", bound=dtype[Any], covariant=True) class MaskedRecords(MaskedArray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]): def __new__( cls, shape, dtype=..., buf=..., offset=..., strides=..., formats=..., names=..., titles=..., byteorder=..., aligned=..., mask=..., hard_mask=..., fill_value=..., keep_mask=..., copy=..., **options, ): ... _mask: Any _fill_value: Any @property def _data(self): ... @property def _fieldmask(self): ... def __array_finalize__(self, obj): ... def __len__(self): ... def __getattribute__(self, attr): ... def __setattr__(self, attr, val): ... def __getitem__(self, indx): ... def __setitem__(self, indx, value): ... def view(self, dtype=..., type=...): ... def harden_mask(self): ... def soften_mask(self): ... def copy(self): ... def tolist(self, fill_value=...): ... def __reduce__(self): ... mrecarray = MaskedRecords def fromarrays( arraylist, dtype=..., shape=..., formats=..., names=..., titles=..., aligned=..., byteorder=..., fill_value=..., ): ... def fromrecords( reclist, dtype=..., shape=..., formats=..., names=..., titles=..., aligned=..., byteorder=..., fill_value=..., mask=..., ): ... def fromtextfile( fname, delimiter=..., commentchar=..., missingchar=..., varnames=..., vartypes=..., # NOTE: deprecated: NumPy 1.22.0, 2021-09-23 # delimitor=..., ): ... def addfield(mrecord, newfield, newfieldname=...): ...