import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_integer_dtype from pandas import ( DataFrame, Index, PeriodIndex, Series, ) import pandas._testing as tm @pytest.mark.parametrize("by", ["A", "B", ["A", "B"]]) def test_size(df, by): grouped = df.groupby(by=by) result = grouped.size() for key, group in grouped: assert result[key] == len(group) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "by", [ [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [0, None, None, None], pytest.param([None, None, None, None], marks=pytest.mark.xfail), ], ) def test_size_axis_1(df, axis_1, by, sort, dropna): # GH#45715 counts = {key: sum(value == key for value in by) for key in dict.fromkeys(by)} if dropna: counts = {key: value for key, value in counts.items() if key is not None} expected = Series(counts, dtype="int64") if sort: expected = expected.sort_index() if is_integer_dtype(expected.index.dtype) and not any(x is None for x in by): expected.index = expected.index.astype(int) msg = "DataFrame.groupby with axis=1 is deprecated" with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=msg): grouped = df.groupby(by=by, axis=axis_1, sort=sort, dropna=dropna) result = grouped.size() tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("by", ["A", "B", ["A", "B"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("sort", [True, False]) def test_size_sort(sort, by): df = DataFrame(np.random.default_rng(2).choice(20, (1000, 3)), columns=list("ABC")) left = df.groupby(by=by, sort=sort).size() right = df.groupby(by=by, sort=sort)["C"].apply(lambda a: a.shape[0]) tm.assert_series_equal(left, right, check_names=False) def test_size_series_dataframe(): # df = DataFrame(columns=["A", "B"]) out = Series(dtype="int64", index=Index([], name="A")) tm.assert_series_equal(df.groupby("A").size(), out) def test_size_groupby_all_null(): # # Assert no 'Value Error : Length of passed values is 2, index implies 0' df = DataFrame({"A": [None, None]}) # all-null groups result = df.groupby("A").size() expected = Series(dtype="int64", index=Index([], name="A")) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_size_period_index(): # ser = Series([1], index=PeriodIndex(["2000"], name="A", freq="D")) grp = ser.groupby(level="A") result = grp.size() tm.assert_series_equal(result, ser) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_index", [True, False]) def test_size_on_categorical(as_index): df = DataFrame([[1, 1], [2, 2]], columns=["A", "B"]) df["A"] = df["A"].astype("category") result = df.groupby(["A", "B"], as_index=as_index, observed=False).size() expected = DataFrame( [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 1]], columns=["A", "B", "size"] ) expected["A"] = expected["A"].astype("category") if as_index: expected = expected.set_index(["A", "B"])["size"].rename(None) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ["Int64", "Float64", "boolean"]) def test_size_series_masked_type_returns_Int64(dtype): # GH 54132 ser = Series([1, 1, 1], index=["a", "a", "b"], dtype=dtype) result = ser.groupby(level=0).size() expected = Series([2, 1], dtype="Int64", index=["a", "b"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype", [ object, pytest.param("string[pyarrow_numpy]", marks=td.skip_if_no("pyarrow")), pytest.param("string[pyarrow]", marks=td.skip_if_no("pyarrow")), ], ) def test_size_strings(dtype): # GH#55627 df = DataFrame({"a": ["a", "a", "b"], "b": "a"}, dtype=dtype) result = df.groupby("a")["b"].size() exp_dtype = "Int64" if dtype == "string[pyarrow]" else "int64" expected = Series( [2, 1], index=Index(["a", "b"], name="a", dtype=dtype), name="b", dtype=exp_dtype, ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)