from pandas import ( DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm def test_isocalendar_returns_correct_values_close_to_new_year_with_tz(): # GH#6538: Check that DatetimeIndex and its TimeStamp elements # return the same weekofyear accessor close to new year w/ tz dates = ["2013/12/29", "2013/12/30", "2013/12/31"] dates = DatetimeIndex(dates, tz="Europe/Brussels") result = dates.isocalendar() expected_data_frame = DataFrame( [[2013, 52, 7], [2014, 1, 1], [2014, 1, 2]], columns=["year", "week", "day"], index=dates, dtype="UInt32", ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected_data_frame) def test_dti_timestamp_isocalendar_fields(): idx = date_range("2020-01-01", periods=10) expected = tuple(idx.isocalendar().iloc[-1].to_list()) result = idx[-1].isocalendar() assert result == expected