import numpy as np import pytest from pandas import ( NA, DataFrame, IndexSlice, ) pytest.importorskip("jinja2") from import Styler @pytest.fixture(params=[(None, "float64"), (NA, "Int64")]) def df(request): # GH 45804 return DataFrame( {"A": [0, np.nan, 10], "B": [1, request.param[0], 2]}, dtype=request.param[1] ) @pytest.fixture def styler(df): return Styler(df, uuid_len=0) def test_highlight_null(styler): result = styler.highlight_null()._compute().ctx expected = { (1, 0): [("background-color", "red")], (1, 1): [("background-color", "red")], } assert result == expected def test_highlight_null_subset(styler): # GH 31345 result = ( styler.highlight_null(color="red", subset=["A"]) .highlight_null(color="green", subset=["B"]) ._compute() .ctx ) expected = { (1, 0): [("background-color", "red")], (1, 1): [("background-color", "green")], } assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("f", ["highlight_min", "highlight_max"]) def test_highlight_minmax_basic(df, f): expected = { (0, 1): [("background-color", "red")], # ignores NaN row, (2, 0): [("background-color", "red")], } if f == "highlight_min": df = -df result = getattr(, f)(axis=1, color="red")._compute().ctx assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("f", ["highlight_min", "highlight_max"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {"axis": None, "color": "red"}, # test axis {"axis": 0, "subset": ["A"], "color": "red"}, # test subset and ignores NaN {"axis": None, "props": "background-color: red"}, # test props ], ) def test_highlight_minmax_ext(df, f, kwargs): expected = {(2, 0): [("background-color", "red")]} if f == "highlight_min": df = -df result = getattr(, f)(**kwargs)._compute().ctx assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("f", ["highlight_min", "highlight_max"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [None, 0, 1]) def test_highlight_minmax_nulls(f, axis): # GH 42750 expected = { (1, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")], (1, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")], } if axis == 1: expected.update({(2, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")]}) if f == "highlight_max": df = DataFrame({"a": [NA, 1, None], "b": [np.nan, 1, -1]}) else: df = DataFrame({"a": [NA, -1, None], "b": [np.nan, -1, 1]}) result = getattr(, f)(axis=axis)._compute().ctx assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {"left": 0, "right": 1}, # test basic range {"left": 0, "right": 1, "props": "background-color: yellow"}, # test props {"left": -100, "right": 100, "subset": IndexSlice[[0, 1], :]}, # test subset {"left": 0, "subset": IndexSlice[[0, 1], :]}, # test no right {"right": 1}, # test no left {"left": [0, 0, 11], "axis": 0}, # test left as sequence {"left": DataFrame({"A": [0, 0, 11], "B": [1, 1, 11]}), "axis": None}, # axis {"left": 0, "right": [0, 1], "axis": 1}, # test sequence right ], ) def test_highlight_between(styler, kwargs): expected = { (0, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")], (0, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")], } result = styler.highlight_between(**kwargs)._compute().ctx assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "arg, map, axis", [ ("left", [1, 2], 0), # 0 axis has 3 elements not 2 ("left", [1, 2, 3], 1), # 1 axis has 2 elements not 3 ("left", np.array([[1, 2], [1, 2]]), None), # df is (2,3) not (2,2) ("right", [1, 2], 0), # same tests as above for 'right' not 'left' ("right", [1, 2, 3], 1), # .. ("right", np.array([[1, 2], [1, 2]]), None), # .. ], ) def test_highlight_between_raises(arg, styler, map, axis): msg = f"supplied '{arg}' is not correct shape" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): styler.highlight_between(**{arg: map, "axis": axis})._compute() def test_highlight_between_raises2(styler): msg = "values can be 'both', 'left', 'right', or 'neither'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): styler.highlight_between(inclusive="badstring")._compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): styler.highlight_between(inclusive=1)._compute() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inclusive, expected", [ ( "both", { (0, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")], (0, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")], }, ), ("neither", {}), ("left", {(0, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")]}), ("right", {(0, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")]}), ], ) def test_highlight_between_inclusive(styler, inclusive, expected): kwargs = {"left": 0, "right": 1, "subset": IndexSlice[[0, 1], :]} result = styler.highlight_between(**kwargs, inclusive=inclusive)._compute() assert result.ctx == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {"q_left": 0.5, "q_right": 1, "axis": 0}, # base case {"q_left": 0.5, "q_right": 1, "axis": None}, # test axis {"q_left": 0, "q_right": 1, "subset": IndexSlice[2, :]}, # test subset {"q_left": 0.5, "axis": 0}, # test no high {"q_right": 1, "subset": IndexSlice[2, :], "axis": 1}, # test no low {"q_left": 0.5, "axis": 0, "props": "background-color: yellow"}, # tst prop ], ) def test_highlight_quantile(styler, kwargs): expected = { (2, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")], (2, 1): [("background-color", "yellow")], } result = styler.highlight_quantile(**kwargs)._compute().ctx assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "f,kwargs", [ ("highlight_min", {"axis": 1, "subset": IndexSlice[1, :]}), ("highlight_max", {"axis": 0, "subset": [0]}), ("highlight_quantile", {"axis": None, "q_left": 0.6, "q_right": 0.8}), ("highlight_between", {"subset": [0]}), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df", [ DataFrame([[0, 10], [20, 30]], dtype=int), DataFrame([[0, 10], [20, 30]], dtype=float), DataFrame([[0, 10], [20, 30]], dtype="datetime64[ns]"), DataFrame([[0, 10], [20, 30]], dtype=str), DataFrame([[0, 10], [20, 30]], dtype="timedelta64[ns]"), ], ) def test_all_highlight_dtypes(f, kwargs, df): if f == "highlight_quantile" and isinstance(df.iloc[0, 0], (str)): return None # quantile incompatible with str if f == "highlight_between": kwargs["left"] = df.iloc[1, 0] # set the range low for testing expected = {(1, 0): [("background-color", "yellow")]} result = getattr(, f)(**kwargs)._compute().ctx assert result == expected