from tkinter import * from functools import partial # To prevent unwanted windows from datetime import date import re class Converter: def __init__(self): # common format for all buttons # Arial size 14 bold, with white text button_font = ("Arial", "12", "bold") button_fg = "#FFFFFF" # Five item list self.all_calculations = ['0 F° is -18 C°', '0 C° is 32 F°', '30 F° is -1 C°', '30 C° is 86 F°', '40 F° is 4 C°'] # # Six item list self.all_calculations = ['0 F° is -18 C°', '0 C° is 32 F°', '30 F° is -1 C°', '30 C° is 86 F°', '40 F° is 4 C°', '100 C° is 212 F°'] # Set up GUI Frame self.temp_frame = Frame(padx=10, pady=10) self.temp_frame.grid() self.button_frame = Frame(padx=30, pady=30) self.button_frame.grid(row=0) self.to_history_button = Button(self.button_frame, text="History / Export", bg="#004C99", fg=button_fg, font=button_font, width=12, state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.to_history(self.all_calculations)) self.to_history_button.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) # **** Remove when integrating!! *** self.to_history_button.config(state=NORMAL) def to_history(self, all_calculations): HistoryExport(self, all_calculations) class HistoryExport: def __init__(self, partner, calc_list): # set maximum number of calculations to 5 # this can be changed if we want to show fewer / # more calculations max_calcs = 5 self.var_max_calcs = IntVar() self.var_max_calcs.set(max_calcs) # Set variables to hold filename and date # for when writing to file self.var_filename = StringVar() self.var_todays_date = StringVar() # Function converts contents of calculation list # into a string. calc_string_text = self.get_calc_string(calc_list) # setup dialogue box and background colour self.history_box = Toplevel() # disable help button partner.to_history_button.config(state=DISABLED) # If users press cross at top, closes help and # 'releases' help button self.history_box.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', partial(self.close_history, partner)) self.history_frame = Frame(self.history_box, width=300, height=200 ) self.history_frame.grid() self.history_heading_label = Label(self.history_frame, text="History / Export", font=("Arial", "16", "bold"), width=25) self.history_heading_label.grid(row=0) # Customise text and background colour for calculation # area depending on whether all or only some calculations # are shown. num_calcs = len(calc_list) if num_calcs > max_calcs: calc_background = "#FFE6CC" # peach showing_all = "Here are your recent calculations " \ "({}/{} calculations shown). Please export" \ " your " \ "calculations to see your full calculation " \ "history".format(max_calcs, num_calcs) else: calc_background = "#B4FACB" # pale green showing_all = "Below is your calculation history." # History text and label hist_text = "{} \n\nAll calculations are shown to " \ "the nearest degree.".format(showing_all) self.text_instructions_label = Label(self.history_frame, text=hist_text, width=40, justify="left", wraplength=300, padx=10, pady=10, ) self.text_instructions_label.grid(row=1) self.all_calcs_label = Label(self.history_frame, text=calc_string_text, padx=10, pady=10, bg=calc_background, width=40, justify="left") self.all_calcs_label.grid(row=2) # instructions for saving files save_text = "Either choose a custom file name (and push " \ ") or simply push to save your " \ "calculations in a text file. If the " \ "filename already exists, it will be overwritten!" self.save_instructions_label = Label(self.history_frame, text=save_text, wraplength=300, justify="left", width=40, padx=10, pady=10) self.save_instructions_label.grid(row=3) # Filename entry widget, white background to start self.filename_entry = Entry(self.history_frame, font=("Arial", "14"), bg="#ffffff", width=25) self.filename_entry.grid(row=4, padx=10, pady=10) self.filename_feedback_label = Label(self.history_frame, text="", fg="#9C0000", wraplength=300, font=("Arial", "12", "bold")) self.filename_feedback_label.grid(row=5) self.button_frame = Frame(self.history_frame) self.button_frame.grid(row=6) self.export_button = Button(self.button_frame, font=("Arial", "12", "bold"), text="Export", bg="#004C99", fg="#FFFFFF", width=12, command=self.make_file) self.export_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) self.dismiss_button = Button(self.button_frame, font=("Arial", "12", "bold"), text="Dismiss", bg="#666666", fg="#FFFFFF", width=12, command=partial(self.close_history, partner)) self.dismiss_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) # change calculation list into a string so that it # can be outputted as a label. def get_calc_string(self, var_calculations): # get maximum calculations to display # (was set in __init__ function) max_calcs = self.var_max_calcs.get() calc_string = "" # work out how many times we need to loop # to output either the last five calculations # or all the calculations if len(var_calculations) >= max_calcs: stop = max_calcs else: stop = len(var_calculations) # iterate to all but last item, # adding item and line break to calculation string for item in range(0, stop - 1): calc_string += var_calculations[len(var_calculations) - item - 1] calc_string += "\n" # add final item without an extra linebreak # ie: last item on list will be fifth from the end! calc_string += var_calculations[-max_calcs] return calc_string def make_file(self): # retrieve filename filename = self.filename_entry.get() filename_ok = "" if filename == "": # get date and create default filename date_part = self.get_date() filename = "{}_temperature_calculations".format(date_part) else: # check that filename is valid filename_ok = self.check_filename(filename) if filename_ok == "": filename += ".txt" success = "Success! Your calculation history has " \ "been saved as {}".format(filename) self.var_filename.set(filename) self.filename_feedback_label.config(text=success, fg="dark green") self.filename_entry.config(bg="#FFFFFF") else: self.filename_feedback_label.config(text=filename_ok, fg="dark red") self.filename_entry.config(bg="#F8CECC") # retrieves date and creates YYYY_MM_DD string def get_date(self): today = day = today.strftime("%d") month = today.strftime("%m") year = today.strftime("%Y") todays_date = "{}/{}/{}".format(day, month, year) self.var_todays_date.set(todays_date) return "{}_{}_{}".format(year, month, day) # checks filename only has letters, numbers # and underscores @staticmethod def check_filename(filename): problem = "" # Regular expression to check filename is valid valid_char = "[A-Za-z0-9_]" # iterates through filename and checks each letter. for letter in filename: if re.match(valid_char, letter): continue elif letter == " ": problem = "Sorry, no spaces allowed" else: problem = ("Sorry, no {}'s allowed".format(letter)) break if problem != "": problem = "{}. Use letters / numbers / " \ "underscores only.".format(problem) return problem # closes help dialogue (used by button and x at top of dialogue) def close_history(self, partner): # Put help button back to normal... partner.to_history_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.history_box.destroy() # main routine if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() root.title("Temperature Converter") Converter() root.mainloop()