This table shows that 18 year old girls spend the most time on computers out of the age groups 13-18 year olds in my sample. It also shows that 17 year old girls spend the second highest amount of time on computers in my sample. 15 year old girls spend the least amount of time on computers with them only spending an average of 1:55:00 hours on computers in my sample. These results in comparison with the boys results show that 18, 17 and 15 year old girls spend more time on computers than 18, 17 and 15 year old boys. While 13,14 and 16 year old boys spend more time on computers than girls in my sample. It also shows that 15 year olds of both genders spend the least amount of time on computers in my sample. Between the two results the numbers are very similar between the girls and boys average time for each year group showing that boys and girls spend similar hours on computers in my sample.