The logo of the website, a red blocky A, R, and C letter in a comic-style
  • Welcome to Anime Reels & Celluloid (ARC)! This website is dedicated to anime films, shows, and series across many different genres, studios, and years. Users are able to make reviews on each film, and post critiques in the comment sections.

    ARC is being constantly moderated to make sure that the site remains inoffensive to current and new users as well guests.

    Users have their own pages with information about themselves that they choose to put out, along with what reviews they have given for films.
  • Reviews in ARC work by talking the average of all the reviews, and then rounding it up or down to the nearest whole number, being represented as a percentage. Next to the percentage is a symbol, which can be of 3 different things:
    • Gold ratingKanji for 'Gold', films with a rating equal or over 75%
    • Gold ratingKanji for 'Silver', films with a rating equal or over 50%
    • Gold ratingKanji for 'Bronze', films with a rating equal or over 25%
    • Gold ratingKanji for 'Inferior', films with a rating lower than 25%
    • Gold ratingAppears when the movie has no review