Minecraft is a sandbox survival game, the gameplay gives you a few options to play. Firstly, in survival you must gather, build and Hunt in order to survive the night. You will encounter mobs which will give resources but some might be more hostile than others. You must also gather resources to defend yourself and progress to the end game, where you go through the end portal and fight the End dragon, the final boss. There are still many obstacles to get there as you need eyes of ender to find the stronghold, where the end portal is. Which requires you to go through the nether, and find a nether fortress and kill some blazes to get the blaze rod a ingredient for eyes of enders, the other is ender pearls, which can be obtained by slaying Endermen, a tall, dark alien creature which can teleport and has 20 hearts (40 hitpoints). Once you combine these ingredients you can then through the eye of ender to track the stronghold. There is more than just the main objectives, Such as farming, mining, building and other tasks which make the end boss fight easier. There is also creative mode which lets you fly around and have infinite access to all blocks and items, allowing players to create without the original survival barrier.