Surfing Museum
Visit the Mount Surf Shop to grasp the history of surfing. The museum houses the most extensive surfing collection in the Southern Hemisphere. See hundreds of vintage surfboards and memorabilla.Your Tour Guide is: Sam
1769 Captain James Cook sails across the Bay of Plenty in the Endeavour.
1820 Rev.Samuel Marsden sees the Tauranga Harbour from the top of Mount Hikurangi near Waihi
1834 Site for Mission Station at Te Papa (Tauranga) chosen by A.N.Brown and William Williams
1835 Mission Station at Te Papa opened by William Wade Several flax traders operating in the area: Tapsell, Dillon, Farrow.
1836 Continued fighting amongst Maori tribes. Mission Station evacuated.
1837 Rev J.A.Wilson to Te Papa Mission Station
1838 Rev A.N.Brown and family arrive at Te Papa Mission Station.
Purchase of first block of land by Brown for CMS
1839 Second land purchase (3000 acres).
1840 John Lees Faulkner, trader, settles at Otumoetai Treaty signed at Maungatapu Pa by Nuka, but Tupaea (Otumoetai) refuses to sign Roman Catholic Mission established at Otumoetai.
1841 Ernst Dieffenbach visits Te Papa.
1842 Trouble over a stolen boat. Troops on Mount Drury (Hopukiore) for 4 months.
1845 Death of Marsh Brown, son of Rev. A.N.Brown.
Peace treaty between Te Arawa and Ngaiterangi. Peace stones set up at Maketu and Otumoetai.
1852 HMS Pandora’s survey of Tauranga Harbour.
1855 Death of Charlotte Brown, wife of A.N.Brown, in Auckland.
1857 First steamship enters Tauranga harbour. Name unknown.
1859 Visit of Dr Ferdinand von Hochstetter, geologist. Celia Brown marries Rev John Kinder.
1860 Henry Tacy Clarke appointed Resident Magistrate at Tauranga. Archdeacon Brown marries Christina Johnston.
1864 Military occupation of Tauranga
Battle of Gate Pa.
Battle of Te Ranga.
Gov. George Grey takes part in formal peacemaking with Maori.
Land west of Waimapu River confiscated.
1865 Rev C. Volkner murdered at Opotiki.V 1866 Military settlers taking up farm and town lots.
1867 Tauranga District Lands Act legalises the confiscation.
1868 School opened in Durham Redoubt.
1869 Fear of attack by Te Kooti’s followers.
Opepe massacre – 9 Tauranga men killed.
1870 Tauranga Highways District and Tauranga North Highways District Boards established.
Telegraphic communication with Wellington established.
1871 Town Wharf built