Octal number representation

Octal is not commonly used. There are eight digits in this system 0 to 7. Similar to the decimal and binary systems, a number can be broken down into its powers of 8. For example the octal number 345 is equivalent to 229 decimal.

 82 = 64
 81 = 8
 80 = 1
 3  4  5  
 3x64 = 192
 4x8 = 32
 5x1 = 5
 229 (decimal)

A binary number can be converted into its octal equivalent by breaking it into groups of three. For example, the six digit binary number 111111 (63 decimal) can be converted to octal like so.
  1. Split into groups of three: 111111 => 111 111
  2. Treat each as separate binary numbers and convert them to decimal: 111 => 7, 111 => 7
  3. Combine these to get the octal number: 7 and 7 => 77 (octal)
