"Satellite" by Nick Lake is a thought-provoking young adult novel set in space, exploring themes of identity, humanity, and connection. Following the lives of Leo, Libra, and Orion, three teenagers born and raised on a space station orbiting Earth, the story delves into their unique experiences and perspectives. As they prepare for a mission to return to Earth, they grapple with questions of belonging and purpose, confronting the limitations of their isolated existence. Lake skillfully weaves together elements of science fiction and coming-of-age, inviting readers to ponder the complexities of human nature and the bonds that transcend physical distance.
Crier's War
"Crier's War" by Nina Varela is a captivating young adult science fiction novel set in a world ruled by automa, human-machine hybrids. Ayla, a human servant, seeks revenge against Crier, the automa princess who she holds responsible for her family's demise. However, as Ayla infiltrates the palace, she forms an unexpected bond with Crier, leading to a forbidden romance amidst political intrigue and rebellion. Their alliance challenges societal norms and sparks a revolution that threatens to overturn the existing power structure. Varela's gripping narrative explores themes of love, loyalty, and the struggle for freedom in a richly imagined world of magic and machines.
On a Sunbeam
"On a Sunbeam" by Tillie Walden is a stunning graphic novel that intertwines love, friendship, and adventure in a vast and mesmerizing universe. Following the journey of Mia, a skilled space traveler, and her crewmates as they work to restore ancient buildings among the stars, the story unfolds in dual timelines. Mia's past and present converge as she seeks closure and redemption, while navigating the complexities of relationships and self-discovery. Through breathtaking artwork and poignant storytelling, Walden crafts a tale of resilience and hope, exploring themes of identity and connection in a beautifully rendered world of wonder and exploration.