Investigation: What is the average screen time of boys after school?
Year | Time (Hours) |
9 | 3.726064 |
10 | 4.075658 |
11 | 3.854167 |
12 | 3.916667 |
13 | 4.045455 |
From the data we can see that year 10 has the most screen time after work. Year 9 have the least screen time. This results may be due to year 9 not having a lot of free time due to being introduced to a new school/starting college. Year 10 is likely due to having a lot of free time due and not having to worry about studing for school. Year 11 is moderate likely because starting exams/getting a job. year 12 and 13 are getting higher likely due to being more proficent in time management with studing.